Monday, 5 August 2013

Why didn't I know that?

I am asking that question over and over again. What went wrong? I am active on European level and I did not know about European Volunteering Service.

Listening to stories of people who have done it fills me with mixed fillings. I am completely blown away with some stories and on the other hand I am sad because I can't share the same experience. Why? Because I was not aware if its existence earlier.

Thankfully I am still young enough and I can say I will be volunteering in the future. But what concerns me is, if I was not aware of it and I am quite active, how many young people still don't know about it?

We should definitely make a group effort and start spreading the word. Volunteering is something everybody should experience. Lets make it easier for people and start to promote it more. May that be on you face book profile, twitter or any social media. Volunteering will always be around. Lets make sure everybody knows that.

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