Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Some time has already passed... and as it happens and not so rarely at all, the enthusiasm about our meeting and all the benefits in terms of ideas and contacts might have already been lost or is being fading out right now. But... it hasn't been the case and it isn't working with the rules we have got accustomed to.
Why doesn't it astonish me in any way? Because, as one of the Janus participant said, whoever touches the youth project, the Youth in Action idea, they will get influenced with it till the very end.
This issue changes lives, makes people think different, causes the difference. The week has made changes, and I am pretty sure there is not a single person who might deny it. Everybody has started somewhere, somewhen, somehow. And from this starting point we are still on our way, heading to some enhancing prospects, chances and perspectives. And it not only empowers young people, despite the fact they are direct addressees of the actions. It equally well strenghtens youth workers and their personal development. The more experienced people you talk to the stronger impression you have that learning process never ends and that you may expect the moment when you feel you are the one who takes advantage of a lesson which was initiative of yours in the very beginning.

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